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Free Healthy Recipe - Poached Pears with Fromage Blanc, Oats and Honey

Low fat, Low GI, Low sugar, Wheat Free

Many chefs would be horrified at the idea of leaving the skins on pears, but the skin is high in fibre, so I recommend that you leave it on. This is a particularly lovely dish in winter. Fromage blanc is a very mild, soft cheese with a whipped texture not dissimilar to thick cream. If you can't find fromage blanc, use cottge cheese or ricotta.

3 cups water
1 tbsp ginger, grated
½ lemon juiced
½ cup rolled oats
¼ cup walnuts
3 tbsp honey
125 grams fromage blanc

Cut the pears into quarters, removing the core from each quarter.
Bring the water, pear juice concentrate, ginger and lemon juice to a simmer in a large pan.
Drop in the pear quarters, cover the pan and simmer very slowly until the pears are tender (the time will vary, so allow 20-45 minutes to be safe).

Meanwhile, dry roast the oats and walnuts in a frying pan over a moderate heat and warm the honey in a small pan.
Serve the pears with the oat and walnut mixture on top, and a spoonful of fromage blanc and drizzle over the warmed honey.

Makes 4 servings

Scale recipe to serves

Prep Time: 10 mins
Cooking Time: 20-45
Ready in: 1 hr

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Nutritional Information - Per Serve
Kj 1789 kj
Calories 428 kcal
Fat 9.1 g
Saturated Fat 1.4 g
Total Carbohydrate 82.6 g
Total Protein 4.2 g
Fibre 6 g